I Ching Line Clash Reading | EP17 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

2020-03-30 4

The principle of indicating the hexagram (for I Ching King Wen Oracle) is to designed to let the reading becoming as vivid as possible. And the principle has designed to be nearly matching to the real-life. That is why you can’t just read the hexagram with only generating and restriction cycle.

Clash means odd, uninitiate, mismatch. In other words, it is staging where 2 different perspectives with conflicting. In short, opposition. These oppositions have a name, it called six-clash. If you finding difficult to remember this. You can apply palm mnemonic to help you memorise them.

Clash has again split into the normal clash and much-hurt clash. Clash also have hexagram clash and line clash.


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